Ever heard the term ‘big data’ and thought about how it influences architects? The tie-in may not be obvious, but designing with metal and data growth are associated.
The amount of data that’s being created and stored every day on a global level is almost inconceivable.*
Fueled by the internet, inexpensive connected mobile devices and more, data is multiplying. Businesses and nonprofits are increasingly challenged with storing, analyzing and using data to make better decisions that can reduce cost and risk while improving operational outcomes.
With the average U.S. data center approaching 20 years of age, many businesses simply don’t want to deal with outdated facilities and building systems infrastructure. As data increases, the demand for facilities that can store and manage it also increases.
Technological trends such as this one change the architectural and building landscape.
In September 2015, Architect featured five new building types that require new design expertise, including resilient, bioclimatic and net zero buildings, and — you guessed it — data centers. Metal can play a sustaining role in all these environments.
Innovative architecture doesn’t have to shun tradition; proven systems and materials can be used in new ways. Fabral metal wall panel systems are used to clad the exterior of new data centers demonstrating again metal’s ability to express color, texture, and brand in a cost-effective way constrained only by the designer’s imagination.
Kit Emert