Holy Family Catholic Church

Woodruff, Wisconsin

The Holy Family Parish was established by Bishop Raphael M. Fliss in Woodruff, Wisconsin in 2004. As the Parish began to grow, so did the need for a larger spiritual center. The Holy Family Catholic Community called on Plunkett-Raysich Architects to help them design their dream church.

The community had two requests: They wanted the church to reflect the natural beauty of the surrounding area, and for the building to be sustainable. Plunkett-Raysich delivered, with striking forms that mirror the nearby limestone ridge — and a durable Fabral metal roof.

Fabral Thin-Seam Panels in Old Town Gray were chosen to top off the project for their ease of install, integrity, and sustainability. As a snap-together system, it doesn’t require a mechanical seaming tool, and is built to withstand those brutal Midwestern winters. With an ENERGY STAR® approved finish, the panels also reflect heat on the harshest of summer days.

Wrapped around a cluster of pine trees, the 48,000-square-foot church is truly a shrine to nature. One that the growing Holy Family Catholic Community will enjoy for decades to come.

Project Details

  • Architect: Plunkett-Raysich Architects, Inc
  • Fabral Thin-Seam Panels were chosen for durability and sustainability.

Color Details

ENERGY STAR® approved Old Town Gray was used for the roof panels to support the sustainable initiative.

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Product Details

Thin Seam

A snap-together panel for easy installation with no mechanical seaming tool required. Ideal for installation over solid substrate and open framing.


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Thin Seam

Substrate Offering:
.032″ Aluminum .040″ Aluminum 22 Gauge Steel 24 Gauge Steel Copper
Panel Features:
Factory Applied Sealant Unlimited Thermal Movement
Customizations Available:
Batten Seam Lines Tapering Options
Maximum Panel Length: 47′
Minimum Panel Length: 6′

Test Data

Wind UpliftUL580Class 90 #303, 359, 359A, 343, 417
ASTM E1592Results Vary Depending on Gauge and Panel Thicknessa
Air infiltrationASTM E283.009 @ 6.24 psf
Water penetrationASTM E331no water @ 15 psf