Condensation and ice damming can be a real problem on any residential project. Every fall we
get numerous calls the first time the temperatures start to get cold from people with condensation
Technical Bulletin -Cleaning Pre-Painted Roofing & Siding
Most pre-painted metal roofing and siding can be cleaned with a mild detergent solution
such as tri-sodium phosphate, Spic-N-Span…
TB801 Engineering Terms
This glossary was written to help individuals become more familiar with some of the common engineering terms used by the building industry.
TB107 Substrate-Metal Corrosion
Metals occur in natures as a component of minerals. Minerals also contain other
elements, such as carbon or oxygen…
TB106 Substrate-Dissimilar Metals
All different metals are dissimilar with respect to one another, but the degree of
dissimilarity varies…
TB306 Painting-unpaint Galvanized
From time to time there is a need or desire to field paint plain galvanized steel. This can be
satisfactorily accomplished by following the procedure listed…