Fabral News

Essential Considerations for Metal Roofing

An Architect’s Guide to Metal Roofing

When selecting a type of roofing material for your architectural projects, several critical factors come into play. Among these, durability, cost, and speed of installation often lead the conversation. However, as an architect, design flexibility is another consideration that may top your list of priorities. This blog explores these various factors as they apply to metal roofing and gets into how Fabral provides balanced solutions that address them. 

A Lifetime of Protection 

How Long Do Metal Roofs Last? 

 One of the standout benefits of metal roofing is its longevity. But how long does a metal roof really last? A well-installed metal roof can last anywhere from 40 to 70 years. This means that it’s likely to outlast other roofing materials like asphalt, offering a lifetime of protection with minimal maintenance.  

The key to achieving this longevity is selecting the right materials and coatings. For instance, steel with Galvalume coating and Kynar finish can offer up to 70 years of life, making it a sound investment for any project.  

You might be wondering, how do metal roofing and wall systems last so long? The answer lies in their unmatched durability. Metal is extremely heavy-duty—this is especially true with Fabral’s metal roofs, which offer exceptional protection against the elements and are built to last. Our products not only have a 40-year lifespan, but they are backed by a 30-year paint finish warranty and a 20-year weathertight warranty that guarantees no leaks when installed correctly. 

For architects, longevity and durability matter because they ensure you’re creating structures with integrity. They make it so your design is not only aesthetically pleasing but also reliable. If you choose a metal roof, you’re providing long-term savings and peace of mind for building owners and homeowners. 

Metal Roofs Are an Investment  

How Much Does a Metal Roof Cost in 2024? 

For architects, opting for metal roofing materials involves balancing budget constraints and project specs. While metal roofs require a higher upfront investment, their long-term benefits can result in significant cost savings. These savings come from less maintenance, fewer roof replacements, and better energy efficiency.  

Metal roofs are durable and require little maintenance, keeping buildings strong for decades. This is crucial for maintaining client satisfaction and reducing future costs.  

By selecting the appropriate metal type and panel design, architects can optimize both the initial cost and the long-term value for their clients, leading to successful roofing project outcomes.  


The type of metal used can significantly impact the final price. Steel, aluminum, and copper each have their own price points and performance benefits. Steel roofs are a popular choice for their low cost and durability, making them a practical option.  

On the other hand, aluminum roofs, while pricier, are highly resistant to corrosion, making them great for coastal or humid environments.  

Copper roofs, the most premium choice, offer beauty and status; they’re often reserved for high-end or historical buildings.  

For more detailed insights into the various types of metal roofing, check out our blog post, Not All Metal Roofs Are the Same. 


The application of the metal roof—be it agricultural, commercial, or residential—plays a significant role in determining the cost as well. They each have unique requirements, such as the need to withstand animal waste or prioritize energy efficiency, making the price vary. Fabral provides specific roof panels tailored to each project type, ensuring that you not only get a roof that looks great but also one that performs efficiently for years to come. 

So, how much does a metal roof cost? As you can see, the price can vary widely based on factors like material, application, coating, and project size. However, we’d be happy to provide you with a customized quote if you share your project specifications with us.

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Speed of Installation 

In addition to durability and cost, the speed of metal roof installation is a critical factor for architects. Metal roofs are generally quicker to install than traditional roofing materials like asphalt shingles. The installation process involves laying down large panels, which cover more area and require fewer fasteners. This not only speeds up the project timeline but also reduces labor costs. 

Fabral’s metal roofing systems are designed for efficient assembly. With strategically located manufacturing plants across the country, shipping is streamlined, ensuring timely delivery. Additionally, employing experienced installation crews and utilizing recommended methods—such as night installations in hot climates—can further enhance efficiency. 

Design Flexibility  

While durability, cost, and speed are essential, design flexibility is often the highest priority for architects. Fabral’s range of metal roofing options offers a lot of versatility, allowing you to achieve unique and eye-catching designs. With various profiles, gauges, and substrates, Fabral enables you to create something truly differentiated. 

Fabral: More Than Manufacturers  

Fabral stands out not just for its high-quality products but for the people behind them. Our team’s collaborative approach ensures every project meets the highest standards. Through continuous research and development, we drive advancements in cost efficiency, installation speed, and durability, solidifying Fabral as a leader in the metal roofing industry. 

In the design process, it’s crucial for architects to communicate with the manufacturer early on. At Fabral, we are always ready to discuss your plans. We want to make sure the chosen roof complements the building’s geometry and your aesthetic vision. By treating Fabral as a consultant, architects can explore the best options, making informed decisions that enhance both the function and beauty of their projects.  

Contact us today for a consultation.